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The mobile application is a digital version of the police manual on standard operating procedures. It was designed for improving the activities of the police units of the Republic of Kazakhstan and intended to assist the internal affairs bodies in the development and/or revision of the performance of police officers in Kazakhstan.

When properly designed and implemented, this manual provides police officers with a clear, step-by-step process for taking effective, consistent, and lawful action, thereby enhancing the professionalism of officers and eliminating the possibility of error.

This manual sets out an attempt to bring together the existing legislative framework and best police practices for the district police inspectors, patrol police, and juvenile inspectors, as well as investigators and criminologist of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The standard operating procedures presented in the manual are not exhaustive and serve as a basis for further work.

The sources for the development of SOPs were international legal acts, the regulatory framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan, recommendations of international organizations - OSCE, UNFPA, IOM, Human Rights Watch, International Association of Chiefs of Police, etc., as well as similar guidelines of foreign law enforcement agencies.

As part of the project on supporting police reform in Kazakhstan, supported by the OSCE Program Office in Nur-Sultan, one of the tasks was to assist in the reorientation of police work towards a service or community-oriented model.

The implementation of the service approach should be based on clear and accessible standard operating procedures for police activities, taking into account the peculiarities of the legal behavior of employees. This applies, first of all, to those units that are in direct contact with the population.

A standard operating procedure (algorithm) is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by a department to help employees perform routine tasks of varying complexity. They are aimed at achieving efficiency, quality of services provided, and uniformity of their performance while reducing the number of legal and other errors in performance.